Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 452 | Marzo 2019



Negotiation time again: For real or another stall?
After 10 months of massive protests then resistance, met with killings, disappearances, jailings and torture— 10 long months of mind-boggling government repression accompanied by the regime’s steadfast denial of that reality— Daniel Ortega finally agreed to sit down at the negotiating table with representatives of the blue and white opposition on February 27. He didn’t have many other choices left, given a crippled economy and threats of new sanctions from various international quarters. But that doesn’t mean he did it in good faith. ... continuar...


Nicaragua briefs
SENTENCES AGAINST PEASANT LEADERS the rural farmers Medardo Mairena, Tedro Mena and Luis Orlando Icabalceta, leaders of the anti-canal peasant movement, received extraordinary sentences from... continuar...


The Ortega regime in the global and regional context
Nicaragua’s deputy foreign minister during the revolutionary years offers elements of the international and regional context that help us better understand the dynamics surrounding the Nicaraguan people’s current struggle against the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship.... continuar...


“I want this nightmare to be over”
We offer our readers the first part of Chapter 11 of the report by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI), a moving chapter titled, “I want this nightmare to be over,”  written after devoting time to listening to the many victims and their family members to learn their “nightmares.” Many pages of this voluminous report tell of great pain, while others recall memories of the Somoza dictatorship, and still others offer views of what caused the rebellion. All of them tell of fear and terror, mistrust and threats, of divisions in families, communities and society as a whole. They reflect griefs and traumas that are like open wounds that will need lifelong tending and may never fully heal. The also tell of so many and young people’s futures cut short by death or put on hold by jail or exile.... continuar...


How did adults view April’s rebellious youth?
In 2016, many adults said, or at least thought, that the millennial youth were politically apathetic, individualistic and uninterested in Nicaragua’s problems. Only two years later, in last’s year’s sudden April uprising, they saw those same youths go out into the streets unarmed to change the country, risking prison or even their own lives. They were in the front lines of a self-convoked social movement that is still resisting despite the continuing brutal repression. How do adult analysts assess that turn-around?... continuar...

El Salvador

The end of two-party dominance... and the beginning of a seismic shock?
Nayib Bukele winning the presidential elections was a shock because even though it was predicted by opinion polls, nobody in ARENA or the FMLN had wanted to believe them. The FMLN, which had expelled Bukele from its own ranks, was the biggest loser, left in third place with 70% fewer votes than in 2014. The main winner: a people with new hopes... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America