Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 216 | Julio 1999



The Pact’s Roots Go Deep And its Fruits are Rotten
The pact's roots are economic, and can be found in the uneasy realigning of economic groups in Nicaragua. Its fruits are both perplexing and infuriating a dispersed society that has not yet shaken off past ideologies and myths. The challenge that not enough are taking up is to envision and work for a better future for the nation.... continuar...


COSTA RICAN-NICARAGUAN ENMITY MOUNTS Early on the morning of June 30, Costa Rican armed forces violently evicted 150 Nicaraguan families (1,500 people, many of them children) from their homes... continuar...


Posoltega: Unresolved Property Problems And Continuing Vulnerability
Victims of Hurricane Mitch are much clearer than the government that they cannot live out the rest of their lives as disaster victims. Although they are demanding land, the government has yet to respond. Posoltega is still beset by unresolved property problems and threatened by a continuing vulnerability, two problems that are closely linked to each other. ... continuar...


Why Was the Referendum Defeated?
How was the referendum in which Guatemalan citizens voted to approve or reject important Constitutional reforms presented? What was at stake? Why were the reforms rejected, and how will this affect the Peace Accords? The answers to these and many other questions should have a great deal of weight during this electoral year.... continuar...


Guatemala’s Women During the Long War: “Treated Worse than Animals”
During the war, during the genocide committed against the Mayan people, the suffering of women due to the conquerors' patriarchal patterns was beyond words. So much pain and humiliation has been transforming into a new consciousness and forging a new leadership role among Guatemalan women.... continuar...

América Latina

Agrarian Reforms: The Latin American Experience
What were the causes and main consequences of the agrarian reforms implemented in Latin America from the 1950s to the 1980s? How did they change the structure of land possession, and what resistance did they have to overcome? The banner of agrarian reform has been folded away, but the land question has yet to be resolved.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America