Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 204 | Julio 1998



Immunity and Impunity: De Facto or Legal?
The juridical, political and ethical implications of the immunity that protects public functionaries has in recent months been at the center of public opinion and debate in Nicaragua. The jurist Ernesto Castillo shared with envío his views on some of the legal and historical aspects of the topic.... continuar...


What Is the Obscure Object of The Bank Superintendency Fight?
It was just one of the many institutional crises through which Nicaragua is passing. What interests are hidden behind the declarations, silences and threats? Although with difficulties, some light can be discerned in the darkness.... continuar...


LIBERAL CONVENTION: NO SURPRISES The incumbent Constitutionalist Liberal Party celebrated its annual convention on July 11. Many of the party's neighborhood, district and municipal meetings... continuar...


Time for a Pact Or Time for Reflection?
It is time for Nicaraguans to join together to analyze the truths and the lies, the real achievements and the myths of the past quarter century. The time for that reflection has definitely come.... continuar...


Patuca II Project: A Global Alert
There is no project in Central America, apart from the Panama Canal, of grander scale than the Patuca II project. And there is no greater threat to the forests and the natural wealth hidden in the “Mesoamerican biological corridor” than this gigantic transnational project. ... continuar...


Something New Is Happening
Since 1993 Panamanian society has witnessed extraordinary experiences of cooperation among all sectors of the nation, all desirous of building a country where all have a place. The Catholic Church and the United Nations Development Program gave the first impulse, and the effort continues today.... continuar...


Tools for Understanding "One-Line Thinking"
By Ignacio Ramonet, director of Le Monde Diplomatique. A summary of the major ideas from his work, Un mundo sin rumbo, characterizing the worldwide ideological and cultural contradictions on the eve of the 21st century. Presented at the International Radio Conference, Santiago, Chile, October 1997.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America