Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 194 | Septiembre 1997


    Maquila*: The Swallow That Lays Golden Eggs
    1997 Septiembre Honduras
    Maquila*: refers to the type of foreign-owned assembly plants set up in low-wage third world countries that put together products, mostly clothing,...

    Popular Pressure In a Sea of Violence
    1997 Julio Honduras
    From the first day of April to the last, Honduras experienced constant mobilizations in various zones which, though not coordinated, all expressed a...

    A Small but Real Hope
    1997 Mayo Honduras
    Political campaigns in Honduras are a traditional bipartisan system, divided into three periods during the four years of government. The first period...

    A Model for Poverty
    1997 Febrero Honduras
    The government of Carlos Roberto Reina completed three years in office in January 1997 with the great majority of Hondurans still asking themselves what...

    The Culture of Mistrust
    1996 Septiembre Honduras
    Guapinol, a remote community in the department of Colón, 400 km. northeast of Tegucigalpa, burst out of anonymity the afternoon of June 25 when a group...


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